
Download internet explorer 10 for mac
Download internet explorer 10 for mac

download internet explorer 10 for mac

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for XMLHttpRequest, CSS -ms-user-select property, CSS3 font-feature-settings property to access advanced OpenType® features, Document setting to enable floating point values in CSS-OM, HTML5 BlobBuilder API and new APIs to save or open files, HTML5 track element for HTML5 video captions, Interoperable HTML5 Quirks mode, JavaScript Typed Arrays, Meta tag to alert user that site requires ActiveX add-ons available only in desktop IE10, removal of legacy graphics features from IE10 standards mode, changes to support latest HTML5 WebSocket API, and Web Worker thread pooling.

download internet explorer 10 for mac

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, File API Writer, JavaScript Typed Arrays (WebGL), CSS user select property, HTML5 Video Text Captioning, and Updated Quirks Mode.Support for Windows 8, CSS 3D Transforms, CSS Text shadow, SVG Filter Effects, Spellchecking, Autocorrection, local storage with IndexedDB and the HTML5 Application Cache, Web Sockets, HTML5 History, and InPrivate tabs.Support for Positioned Floats, CSS stylesheet limit lifted, CSSOM Floating Point Value support, Improved hit testing APIs, Media Query Listeners, HTML5: Support for async attribute on script elements, HTML5 Drag and Drop, HTML5 File API, HTML5 Sandbox, HTML5 Web Workers, and some Web Performance APIs.Support for CSS3 multi-column layout, CSS3 grid layout, CSS3 flexible box layout, CSS3 gradients, ES5 strict mode, and a new user agent string.

Download internet explorer 10 for mac